Kids and Students

Inherit the Kingdom

How to Add a New Family

1. Navigate to Click "Contacts"3. Click "Tools"4. Click "Add / Edit Family Tool"5. Type the Last Name into the search bar to see if the family is already in MP6. If they are not in the dropdown, click "New Family"7. Set the Campus/Congregation8. Enter the home ad...

Using Kids/Student Ministry Templates

1. Go to "Communications" 2. Click "Publications" 3. Find your publication list 4. Click "Actions" 5. Click "Message" 6. Click "Insert" 7. Click "Templates" 8. Click "Contact Fields Templates" 9. Find your Student Ministry Email Template for your campus 10. Type your message Tip:You ma...

Recording Allergies

1. On the Contacts page, find the contact record of the person/child with the allergy 2. Click "Attributes" 3. Click "New Contact Attribute" 4. Add the "Allergies & Special Needs" attribute 5. Add today's date and time 6. Add details of the allergy to the Notes field 7. Click "Save"

Parent Email Lists

1. Click "Groups" 2. Type "Age" in the "Group Type" column to show only Age and Grade groups 3. Select the grades you want 4. If prompted, click "start a new selection" to make sure no previously selected groups are included. 5. Click "Contacts" 6. Change the view to "Parents of Group Memb...

Grade/Attendance-Based Report

Looking for a list of kids based on when they've attended Sunday programming? For example, “I want a list of all of my 5th graders who attended kids church __ number of times in the last 3 months”.1. Click "Groups"2. Select the grade groups you want to report on3. Click "Reports"4. Click "Selecte...

Grade-Based Individual Attendance Report

If you're wanting to see how many times your kids/students have attended church between “X” date and “Y” date, this is the report for you!1. Go to Groups2. Select the grade groups you want to report on3. Click "Reports"4. Click "Selected Group Attendance By Individual"5. Set the From field as the...

Managing Subscriptions - Student Ministry

Below are the instructions on how to:A. Add new subscribers to your email list B. Send an email to your subscribers. More advanced instructions can be found here. Add a New Subscriber 1. Click "Communications"2. Click "Publications"3. Click your publication/subscription list4. Click "Subscriber...

Check In iPad Set Up/Edit Settings

Looking to fix an existing iPad? Jump down to Step 10 1. Navigate to Click on the MP bookmarks3. Click Check-In4. Select your campus5. Click the "..." icon next to Events6. Click "All Events in Ministries"7. Select your ministry (either "Kids" or "Students")8. Cl...