Cancelling KidsGiG Registrations
Step 1: Cancel Event Registration
1. Click "Events"
2. Search for your campus' KidsGiG registration
3. Click your event
4. Click "Participants"
5. Click this link icon on the registration to be cancelled
6. Click "Edit Record"
7. Change the Participation Status to "05 Cancelled"
8. Click "Save"
Step 2: End Date the Group Participant Record
(UPDATE: As of Feb 2025, this part of the process MAY have been automated. Please confirm 24 hours after you've cancelled the event registration that the group participant was also end dated. If you notice this is not automated, please email MP Support to let us know and reference this article)
9. Click this link to go directly to the Group Participant record
10. Click "Edit Record"
11. Set the end date
12. Click "Save"
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